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Me at the end of a long day |
Whether that's been arranging a mortgage, sorting out renovations or advertising for tenants. I have painted properties, lifted carpets, cleared out mess, moved bins, called endless tradesmen, managed money, worked with tenants, sorted out paperwork, and done many more other glamorous activities!
Oh yes, I have at times got my hands VERY dirty. As time has progressed though, I have been able to be much more hands-off by using other people's skills and expertise. I now have a *wonderful* mortgage broker, who is just so cool! I call him and tell him what I want, and low and behold a few hours or even minutes later, he comes back to me with the best possible options for the property I want to buy.
I now also have a team of builders and tradesmen I can call on for specific jobs. I use an agency for some aspects of lettings (I am still holding onto this part for dear life)!! I have a brilliant accountant who tells me each month what my profit and loss is, so that I can plan for cashflow and further investments. Recently I have even met a couple of people who might start to source property for me, so that I can focus on building my property business! WOOO!
At the end of a long, hard week, I do sometimes wonder where the time has gone. Balancing this business with family needs, volunteering commitments and some leisure and exercise time is not easy. However, I came across a great quote from Joshua Kennon http://www.joshuakennon.com/ that made me realise that the small, seemingly insignificant things I do on a daily basis are building my future.
Everyone thinks life is one upward, smooth trajectory. They think of Cinderella in her big castle and forget that she spent decades scrubbing floors, being beaten, and locked in a cold room. Between “Once upon a time” and “Happily ever after” a lot happens. Not all of it is good.
- Joshua Kennon
Everyone thinks life is one upward, smooth trajectory. I do sometimes wonder where the time has gone??