Friday, 7 December 2012

The Green Deal

The Green Deal is a government scheme to make houses and properties more energy efficient. I suppose this means the householder paying less for fuel (electricity and gas) due to extra insulation in lofts, walls or floors which then retain heat better, plus the installation of modern boilers which use less gas to heat the same amount of water, plus double glazing which also loses less heat from the house.

All fairly simple and self-explanatory. 

How the Green Deal works

You can make energy-saving improvements to your home or business without having to pay all the costs up front through the Green Deal.
Energy-saving improvements include:
  • insulation - eg loft or cavity wall insulation
  • heating
  • draught-proofing
  • double glazing
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  • renewable energy technologies - eg solar panels or wind turbines

Getting involved
  1. Get an assessment of your property - this will tell you what improvements you can make and estimate how much you could save on your energy bills.
  2. Choose a Green Deal provider to carry out the work. You discuss with them what work you want done and whether the Green Deal is right for you.
  3. If you go ahead with the improvements you must sign your Green Deal Plan - this is a contract between you and the provider stating what work will be done and how much it will cost. The provider will then arrange for a Green Deal installer to do the work.
  4. Once the work is done, you’ll pay off the money in instalments through your electricity bill
You can get an assessment now, but work can’t start until 28 January 2013.
If you’re a landlord, you must get your tenant’s permission before you sign up, and if you’re a tenant you must get your landlord’s permission to sign up - this also applies to social housing.

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