Tuesday, 27 November 2012

What's lurking under the surface ... (part 2)

He's got the whole world in his hands?
When I got into the house rental business I didn't really think much about the tenants who I would be renting to. Oh yes, I hoped that they would be nice, kind, organised (enough to pay their rent on time!!), reasonable, kind of average people. But I didn't consider just how different, unique and frankly, interesting they could be. Over the last few weeks I have got to know a couple of our tenants more just by being around the house they rent, and it's been a great opportunity to find out more about them.

Without breaking confidences (they might read this blog after all!), it shows to me that however comfortable, confident and positive people seem, there are often niggling fears, worries and doubts sitting just below the surface. It might be worry about being secure in the future. It might be fear about being alone. It might be concern about the jobs market. I'm not convinced that owning your own home allays these fears, although I expect tenants would say that being in rental property is not exactly a recipe for certainty.

Life is terribly uncertain for many people. Even those who seem to be able to make a plan, carry it out and succeed. Suddenly the unexpected occurs and their inner strength or lack of it shows up. That's why we need something in our lives that is unfailing, can be trusted not to leak or break, and will do just what it says on the tin. Psalm 20: 7 'Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God'. Not money, not skills, not material possessions or achievements. Not even bricks and mortar. They will eventually all fail. There's only one person who will never fail us or let us down. I think you know who I'm referring to! I make no secret of the fact that despite my own uncertainties and worries, He's the best landlord this tenant could ever have - and with Him I could  never be more secure. 

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